last updated: 09-15-2023

Times are tough. And really depressing. Let’s not forget all of the fantastic people and technologies that help to make this world a nice place to be. Not exhaustive and certainly not objective in any way.


  • Bowie
  • Leonard Cohen
  • Bill Callahan
  • Steve Albini
  • Wire
  • Elliott Smith
  • Mark Kozelek
  • Matt and Bubba Kadane
  • Yo La Tengo
  • The RZA
  • Robert Pollard
  • Jim O’Rourke
  • The New Year
  • Neil Young
  • Jay-Z
  • Silkworm
  • Jason Molina
  • Sonic Youth

Visual Artists


  • Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim
  • Mitch Hedberg
  • Scharpling and Wurster
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • Steve Coogan
  • Nathan Fielder

Film Makers

  • Herzog
  • Jarmusch
  • Joel and Ethan Coen
  • Paul Thomas Anderson
  • David Lynch
  • Tarantino
  • Wes Anderson
  • Terrence Malick
  • Yorgos Lanthimos
  • Kubrick


  • Neal Stephenson
  • William Faulkner
  • Orwell
  • Pynchon
  • Salinger
  • Vonnegut
  • Garcia Marquez
  • William Gibson
  • Cormac McCarthy
  • Nabokov


  • Linux
  • Leica
  • Fujifilm
  • Rolex
  • Patek Philippe
  • Seiko
  • Grado
  • Cervelo
  • The Criterion Collection
  • Git
  • gps
  • Ethereum


  • Tesla
  • Musk
  • Vitalik
  • Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Moxie Marlinspike
  • Snowden
  • Jobs
  • Max Cooper
  • Linus Torvalds
  • Sam Harris
  • Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger
  • Newton and Leibniz
  • Diffie / Hellman
  • Glenn Lilly - sha hash function


  • Macroeconomics
  • Strong determinism
  • Public Key Cryptography
  • Homuncular functionalism
  • Calculus
  • Bitcoin
  • Blockchain
  • The Overton Window
  • Natural Selection
  • Open Source Software Development
  • One-way hash functions (see Glenn Lilly link above)